Exploring the Twitterverse

I’d love to see this intertwined into the social media compass and the Conversation Prism

Amplify’d from www.briansolis.com

Exploring the Twitterverse

Happy New Year!

Twitter officially launched to the public in July 2006. By 2008, the universe of applications developed to enhance the Twitter experience was boundless. While the ecosystem was burgeoning with apps, the ability to track and manage the apps designed for specific purposes was elusive.

I spent the better part of Fall 2008 studying and organizing the available Twitter apps available for new marketing, community management, and customer service professionals. Once organized, I published Twitter Tools for Marketing and Community Professionals on October 17, 2008. I actively curated and modified the list for several months. However, the rate of new and abandoned applications was too much for one person to manage. Instead, I focused my spare time and resources on helping Laura Fitton (@pistachio) and her team launch Oneforty.com, a comprehensive social app directory for all things Twitter. I remain as an advisor to this day.

The Twitterverse (Alpha)

To commemorate the move, I partnered once again with Jesse Thomas and JESS3 to visualize the most effective and productive tools for Twitter. In May 2009, we introduced the alpha of the Twitterverse (below). Unlike the Conversation Prism, the Twitterverse was not originally designed as a transmedia object, simply a social object packaged in the form of an infographic. The image never made it to 1.0 status as I dove head first into Engage and several other business endeavors. After all of this time, I felt the need to revisit this visual as the Twitter ecosystem only continues to gain in prominence in our digital culture.

In 2010, I focused my limited free time on the refresh of the Conversation Prism. Once that project was completed, I then blasted off toward the Twitterverse to rethink the methodology and ultimately the visual of the Twitterverse with the JESS3 team. Here we are, 20 months later, and I can’t believe this day is finally here.

Introducing The Twitterverse version 1.0

A new year, a new Twitterverse. 2011 marks the debut of the Twitterverse 1.0. Again, I revisited the landscape of useful Twitter apps designed for marketing, business, and service professionals. This time, we organized and  positioned “representative” apps across 19 rings in the Twitter egosystem over the previous 12. Like its sibling, The Twitterverse is designed as a transmedia object. It’s available for free in a presentation-friendly format and also in high-res. For the first time, the Twitterverse is also available as a 22 x 28 poster.

With Twitter at the center of the stellar system, apps orbit at different rotations based on their design and functionality.

Ring 1: Branding

Ring 2: Geographics

Ring 3: Interest Graph

Ring 4: Dashboard

Ring 5: Event Management

Ring 6: Live Streaming

Ring 7: Geo Location

Ring 8: Relationships

Ring 9: Marketing and Advertising

Ring 10: Rich Media Ring 11: Communication Management

Ring 12: Research and Analysis Ring 13: Stream Management

Ring 14: Mobile Applications Ring 15: Trends Ring 16: Social CRM

Ring 17: Influence and Resonance

Ring 18: Twitter Search

Ring 19: Causation

Naturally with thousands of considerable apps available for Twitter, it’s impossible to include everything. However, this is an evolving graphic, so please leave your ideas and suggestions in the comments section here or on Flickr.

UPDATED: The Twitterverse covered in The Atlantic, The Next Web, Guardian UK (Thank you!)

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Read more at www.briansolis.com

Author: Courtney Robertson

Courtney Robertson, an accomplished Open Source Developer Advocate at GoDaddy, a dedicated WordPress Training Team Faculty Member, and a co-founding board member of The WP Community Collective, effortlessly engages audiences with her relatable insights on getting involved and supporting contributors in the open source community. Staying true to her roots as a professional educator, Courtney seamlessly merges her teaching expertise with her passion for technology, both on and off the stage. Serving developers, website creators, and open source enthusiasts, Courtney delivers immense value by drawing from her rich background as a computer science educator and full-stack developer. She is driven by a strong commitment to onboarding the next generation of contributors and advocating for sustainable funding solutions for open source developers. Away from the screen, Courtney embraces her creative side, whether it's by playing her 7-string electric violin, exploring the possibilities of 3D printing, hiking through nature, or tending to her abundant vegetable garden. Her multifaceted interests and genuine enthusiasm make Courtney a truly inspiring speaker in the open source community.

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